Thursday, January 14, 2010

Are Kilts skirts? are skirts Kilts?

The belief that skirts are exclusively female. This idea has prevailed in Western societies for the past few hundred years. Until about 50 years ago, most people also considered trousers/pants to be exclusively male (and some religious conservatives still do). In medieval times, men could wear either trousers or unbifurcated clothing like robes and tunics, while women like Joan of Arc were burned at the stake for wearing trousers. How things have changed! Although women in the United States and most Western countries now consider both trousers and skirts to be standard female attire, some of them feel uncomfortable about giving men the same options. Even though they themselves rarely wear skirts any more, some women nevertheless want to keep skirts as their own exclusive property. They consider it unfair to allow men to wear skirts, because this would diminish skirts' value as a "power symbol" of female sexuality.