Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Brave New World of Male Unbifurcated Garments

If Kilts and other MUG's (unbifurcated garment) catch on and go mainstream, they may help to resolve the frustration felt by males like me, who have found trousers to be irritating in the crotch and who realize that unbifurcated garments are far more comfortable and better adapted to the male anatomy.

In the past, if a boy was curious about what it feels like to wear an unbifurcated garment (MUG), his only feasible option was to try on a girl's skirt or dress - a forbidden activity about which most boys would feel guilty or ashamed. When he discovered that he actually preferred the feeling of a skirt or dress as opposed to trousers, he was likely to feel that there was something horribly "wrong" him. Actually, he has simply discovered a physical truth that Western society has tried to repress: that fact that unbifurcated garments really are more comfortable and more natural for a male than trousers.

The boy may come to envy girls for being able to wear skirts and dresses and pants as well. He may find himself wishing that he were a girl, not for any other reason than the fredom of choice in clothing.
For no other reason than boys aren't allowed to wear skirts, the only option may be to disguise himself as a girl (such as for Halloween or a costume party). The Internet is filled with TG fantasy fiction about this sort of thing, where boys end up allowing themselves to be feminized by their mothers or other female relatives.

A male's desire for the comfort of unbifurcated garments has been routinely equated with transvestism or transgenderism. But what if the boy is perfectly happy with his sexual identity, and simply finds unbifurcated garments more comfortable than trousers? He will nevertheless be taken to a shrink, who will probably diagnose him as having a gender disorder. He may come to believe this himself. He may end up confused about his sexuality and obsessed about female clothing.

Of course, there are many reasons why persons may have a gender disorders, and some people are probably born with it. But I feel that the situation is unnecessarily complicated by Western society's absurd notion that males must only wear trousers and that any male who feels otherwise must be perverted.

Now imagine a world in which MUG's (Kilts and Skirts) have become mainstream. Notice how the following scenerio becomes much different from what the typical reaction would be today.

A boy asks his Mom and Dad, "Do you think I would a Kilt?"

"Why do you ask?" replies his dad. "Are your jeans feeling too confining?"

"Yeah,and" admits the boy, " my Boy Scout troop will be attending the camp out, Kilted."

Mom: "Well, why don't we drive over to JCPenny’s, and you can try on one of the Utilikilts or maybe Gap for a SportKilt."

"If you want to get the "BSA" Taran we will need to get you mesured and sized" his Dad said.

So they hop in the car, drive to the store, pick a Utilikilt off the rack, and the boy takes it into the changing room to try on. He soon comes out wearing the Utilikilt to show his parents.

"It looks really handsome," says his dad. "How does it feel?"

"Awesome!" exclaims the boy. "No wedgies! Can I get this one? I can't wait for the other guys to see, and the camp out is only 2 weeks away! It'll be great for going on hikes and stuff."

So they make the purchase and go home. The boy proudly wears his Utilikilt around the neighborhood and to school, receiving much admiration.

One of his friends remarks, "My dad has one of those. There're really cool. I've been begging him to get me one. I'm tired of wearing blue jeans all the time like my sister." "are you wearing it to the camp out like the pack leaders do every year?"


Doesn't this story sound a lot healthier and more natural than the alternatives?